Transportation Agencies (Transit to DOTs)
Garry has worked with DOTs and transit agencies to understand a range of plausible futures based on incremental and transformative innovations in infrastructure experiences shaped by new technologies, regulations and user expectations.
Local Decision Makers
Garry has helped elected officials and business civic groups understand key uncertainties around the future of transportation investments and strategies to elevate awareness among citizens for integrated transportation systems.
Professional Associations & Mobility Companies
Garry can help professional associations and companies understand how to future proof their investments in talent and business models to navigate major market transitions ahead.
Past Clients Include:
ITS Texas
Goodyear Tire
AAA Public Affairs
Autoglass Safety Council
California Transit Association
City Engineers of Minnesota
Colorado Transit Association
Oregon Transit Association
NJCOST (Community Transportation)
Design Build for Transportation (DBIT)
American Council of Engineering Companies – Oregon
Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA)
Institute for Transportation Engineers (TexITE)
Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT)
Kansas Aggregate Producers Association (KAPA-KRMCA)
North Dallas Chamber-Transportation at Crossroads
Performance Warehouse Association (PWA-PAR)
Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)
SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association)
Takata (Automotive Safety OEM)
Texas Dept of Transportation (TxDOT)
Texas Transportation Institute (TTI)
International Window Film Conference (Architectural & Automotive)
AASHTO (American Association for State Highway Transportation Officials)
UC-Berkeley Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC)
Wharton School Transportation Executive Program