BACC Board
Issue #1 – Aging Populations
- How do we understand the cultural side of aging?
- How do we shift our culture in order to accept increased diversity in our local community?
- How to best provide transportation for a sedentary and aging population?
Scanning for signals and trends related to themes:
- Aging Populations (Garry’s Diigo Tags: Aging)
- Caregiving (Garry’s Diigo Tags: Caregiving)
- Active Aging
- Creative Aging
- Longevity (Research)
- Aging in Place (Diigo Tags: AginginPlace)
- Medical and Healthcare Transportation
- Social Isolation and Loneliness
Twitter: Hashtags
- #aging
- #Ageing (UK/EU focus on Aging)
- #LongevityEconomy
- #futureofageing (associated with
- #Dementia
- #AgeFriendly
Twitter: Aging Populations
- Joseph Coughlin – Author of Longevity Economy
- Jessica Finley (Look at who Jessica is Following – you might see someone to also Follow!)
- Lauren Bangerter
- Aging20 (National Network with Local Chapters –
- OldSchool Info Anti-Ageism
- Silberman Aging
- University of Michigan Gerontology Leanring Community (Look at who they are Following)
- Changing Aging
- Independent Age (UK)
Issue #2: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
- How will increased diversity in our community impact community leadership?
- How do we understand the many diverse cultures in Green Bay?
- How might we improve recognition and acceptance of diversity in our local community?
- How will greater Green Bay adjust to increasing diversity?
- How will immigration policy impact local demographics?
Understanding the spectrum of language is very important in this conversation. There are numerous ways of framing ‘DEI’ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Other Questions from STEEP Conversation
- How to best control costly medical care (bend the cost curve?)
- How might college debt influence local home ownership
- What are the best ways to engage local middle, high, and college students in foresight analysis?
- How to best facilitate knowledge across generations?
- Where will we find younger families to populate our community?
1. How might CRISPER influence chronic health care costs?
2. What are the telemedicine options and how might they improve access and quality of health care?
- How to best bridge the gulf between those who can afford modern technology and those who cannot?
- What are the ethical and moral dimensions of embracing advanced technology that can replace human behaviors? Is there a danger of overly embracing the nonhuman?
- How will labor shortage drive increased automation in which of our local sectors?
- How will automation, robotics, and AI impact our local manufacturing sector?
- How does the prospect of an increased use of driverless cars affect the walk-ability of our communities?
- How might we encourage the acceptance and competence of the use of technology at all ages of people in our community?
- What is the effect (impact) of autonomous vehicles on commercial transportation?
- How will technology impact K-12 and postsecondary education?
- Will we continue to rely on broadband as a critical precursor?
1. How might China’s reverse engineering impact local manufacturing exports?
2. What is the impact of a living wage (ordinance?) on local organizations, (businesses?), and government?
3. How can we leverage the strengths and capabilities of New North to created high quality jobs in today’s competitive global marketplace?
4. How do we best address the increasing national debt and its implications for currency and inflation values?
- In Brown County, ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed — households that earn an income above the Federal Poverty Level, but lower than the basic cost of living) and those living at or below poverty level represent an estimated 34,935 households, comprised of all ages and races/ethnicity (roughly 1 in 3). How will our community address the high number of individuals and families living in financial stress?
- How will new efforts (i.e. Foxconn and TitletownTech) transform our local economy?(see #riseoftherest, Steve Case)
- How will economic polarization (disparity), including a declining middle class, impact our community?
- The manufacturing sector is a large part of our local economy. How will it be impacted with change due to advances in technology?
- How might we transition the region from a manufacturing and retail based economy to a more diverse economy?
- How does discrete manufacturing (i.e. 3D printing) impact our economic base?
- Will global markets be more important locally than regional or national markets?
- What is the local impact of losing corporate headquarters in greater Green Bay?
1. How might the environment impact health care costs (i.e. allergies, asthma, cancer)?
2. What is the value of a clean bay to our community?
3. How do we best prepare for environmental changes that are occurring?
4. How will life be impacted as a result of global warming? (Hauck)
- How do we best address manure pollution of our groundwater supply?
- How do we best utilize a cleaner Fox River and Green Bay?
- How can we guarantee that we will have clean water for our health and recreation?
- How does climate change affect Green Bay’s highly loved (natural) environment?
- How might we lessen the impact of those who deny that climate change is real?
- What is the intersection of agriculture, energy, and quality of environment interests?
- How will we balance the desire of a clean environment with economic development?
1. How might political will influence the condition of the environment?
2. How will polarization in political parties affect consistent policy making?
3. How can we overcome political gridlock and dislike of other political viewpoints?
- How to align the parochialism of local government policy making toward future thinking?
- How do we encourage (assure) collaboration among the 14 governmental bodies in Brown County?
- What are the implications of the two party system for our local economy? What would be the local impact if our country became a three party system?
- How might we foster a more civil and diverse political environment?
- What will follow the current polarized political environment?
- Will the philosophical silos evident nationally be visible locally, and harden or soften?