Sorry for the delay!!

As promised…

PDF of the Presentation

Resources to Learn More…
Garry’s ‘Diigo‘ tags.  This is a way for me to bookmark resources I find online and share them with others.   I  use ‘tagging’ as a way to externalize my memory and will go back to topic tags when I have time to really learn and understand.

The tags are time-based. Newest appears top of list. It’s just a list of resources to explore!


Healthcare tags
Wellness tags
Healthcare and Blockchain tags
Healthcare and AI  tags
Population Health tags

1) ExperienceAPI (xAPI) Data + Graph Analytics = The Experience Graph 

ExperienceAPI (xAPI)

ExperienceAPI & Learning Record Store (LRS) Companies:

Graph Database Companies:
Neo4j (start here; most general use database)

Garry’s Tags: graph

Videos — Making a Case for Graph


Great Talk by Amy Hodler


Graph related Articles



White Papers

Garry delivers keynotes, workshops and consultation for organizations around the world! Lets talk about how he can help yours.